Thursday, March 31, 2011

Edmonton Archival

I wasn't exactly sure what the blog prompt meant when it said to select 5 "significant Edmonton materials" to include in an imagined archive. Were we expected to choose Edmonton literary works such as the ones we studied within class, or simply objects deemed important and representative of Edmonton itself? So instead of wasting time pondering this, I've decided to take my own approach to this prompt. Hey, we aren't supposed to be confined to them anyway so what the hell?

I'm currently enrolled in ENGL 357, a class on American Ideologies in the works of post-apocalyptic fiction. Since I just finished writing my term paper for this class, my mind is still very much wondering what it would be like to experience an apocalypse and its aftermath. Which has lead me to ask the question that if Edmonton were to create a time capsule which could survive any sort of global devastation, what would be put in it to describe this city, its people, history, etc. to whoever may stumble upon it?

My first thought was snow, but that didn't really seem feasible given its melting property. The next idea which came to mind was something to do with Rexall Place or the Oilers. This team has managed to bring together almost an entire city of people in a mutual appreciation for the sport and the city itself. A strong sense of pride comes from a winning team representing its city, and though it may seem trivial, the Oilers and their history have played a role in the creation of what Edmonton is today: "The City of Champions". The organization also managed to birth one of the greatest sports legends in the world, Mr Wayne Gretzky.

I would also include video footage of Edmonton's various music festivals, since Edmonton has recently dubbed itself "Festival City" with its wide range of summer activities bringing together people from not only all over the city, but the world.

If I were to select a representation of Edmonton through literature I would probably select "Edmonton On Location" just for the vast array of different tales it tells within its pages.

Besides these things I'm not really sure what else I would put in such a time capsule. It's actually a very hard decision, much more difficult than I expected. What would YOU include?

Friday, March 25, 2011

Through the Eyes of a Child

When I reflect upon memories of visiting Edmonton as I child, I immediately remember one thing: The Valley Zoo. My parents didn't really bother taking us downtown when my sister and I were younger as there wasn't much there to hold a kids interest for any substantial amount of time. Trips to the Valley Zoo, however, were all day summer excursions which contained no boredom.

As a child, the world seems huge. The block you reside on and the parks you play in are a world in themselves, so trying to be the tour guide for an entire city while in the mindset of someone so young isn't really feasible in my eyes. Kids are known for having wild imaginations and being able to notice the smallest details, like the ant crawling up the tree in your backyard and then remaining to watch it make its journey. The world is magnified. So if they were to be responsible for creating such a guide it would be far too long to share here. However, a guide of one place, like the zoo, is completely doable.

Starting off with humpty dumpty and all the other cartoon statues (which apparently have now been removed? Shame.) which make for excellent climbing excursions. But this game is short lived at the sight of the pond containing what looks like 100 ducks and the occasional swan. If you're lucky, Mom and Dad will take you out in a paddle boat for a while to motor around with the ducks in the cold dark water. It's also a good idea to beg for 25 cents from Moms change purse to purchase some duck feed so a flock of birds and maybe even some swans can surround you. Be sure to also check out the petting zoo section, which is beyond the castle gate. Be weary of the goats because they like to chew and tug on loose clothing.

Some other hi-lights of the Zoo include the monkey enclosures, which offer a great time spent coaxing the monkeys over to you and watching them chase one another. The otters, when not sleeping in their little house, are also highly entertaining. I always want to join them on their slide and swimming in their pool. If you're into freaking out mom and your little sister be sure to explore the reptile house! Certainly not as exciting as the monkeys or otters, but the snakes are cool to look at for a bit.

Make sure on your way out of the zoo to wander into the gift shop to purchase some of the cool animal toys, games, and pictures. If you beg long enough Dad will cave. Though I've never managed to convince him to let me go on a camel ride...

Monday, March 14, 2011

ok winter. I'm sick of you. Summer plz!

My sister is leaving for New York next Thursday where it is currently a whopping 6 degrees. That sounds like bikini weather to me right now given the conditions in dearest Edmonton over the past few weeks. I'm going to be honest with you all right now, I am currently medicated to the moon and have cheeks the size of Marlon Brando's because I had my wisdom teeth removed this weekend! I basically just came here to tell you all that my lovely presence in class may be missed tomorrow if I still look like a chipmunk and am too high to drive to the bus depot.

P.s. What's your favorite spot to find sustenance here in Edmonton? Last summer was when I began really exploring downtown aside from the places my folks had taken me to, and I ended up finding the Blue Plate Diner, now one of my favorite restaurants. So introduce me to my next favorite spot!

Monday, March 7, 2011

My Drifting Experience

So I went drifting a few weeks ago on my break before this class. I got busy with school work/midterms and forgot to share with you my experience. So here we go...

It was terrifying. I was lost, cold, with snot running down my face and no kleenex to help me out.

Now I don't want to blame my terrible time on the concept of drifting, I take full responsibility for it and I actually want to try drifting again having learned from my errors. My decision to drift was completely on a whim, as it should be, while I was walking the route of my map for class and taking photos. Instead of turning around and going back to the U, I decided too veer across the low level bridge with no destination and no idea how I was going to get back. This was a terrible mistake since it was -25 and I wasn't wearing gloves. I think drifting is definitely a summer time activity, not designed to be enjoyed by those residing in Edmonton winters. So rest assured when the temperature gets at least above zero I'll give it another shot. But instead I wandered along the side of a road I do not know, behind apartments across from the telus field, and up what I learned was Bellamy Hill.

The city and it's roads look really different when you're not driving on them.

Just as I thought the wind blowing in my face would cause it to fall off, and my nose was running so fiercely I was contemplating reaching into my backpack to pull out a piece of paper to blow it, I saw my saviour. The Central LRT station.

I don't think I got all that I could out of my experience since I was mainly focused on how fucking cold I was. But second times a charm I'm sure.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The Open Post

Not going to lie, I've been secretly looking forward to this week of "open blogging" so I could share something with you all without the regret of going against the prompt.

Meet the Rural Alberta Advantage. I stumbled upon them about 2 years ago and have been madly in love with them ever since. The Edmonton natives (now residing in ToRonna) created a concept album fittingly titled "Hometowns" back in 2009, which captures lead singer Paul Banwatt's experience of living in Alberta. This is one of those rare albums I can confidently say I can relate to. I am able to envision places mentioned, or relate the feel of a song to my own experiences of growing up in this province. I highly recommend you all buy/download/steal/whatever you need to do to listen to this, especially if you've grown up in and around the Edmonton area. You'll be able to pick up on certain mentions of specific places and really connect with what they've created.