Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Post Numero 2

My favorite city map listed was the NFB Highrise Project. I found it really interesting to see and hear what others experience in the places they call home. If Edmonton had a project/map such as this I'm not sure I would be as intrigued as I am with exploring places more foreign to me, since I already have a fairly generalized idea of the sites and sounds of this city.

Check out the link below to check out my own (poorly made) map of the places I listed last post as those most visited by myself.

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree that the Highrise project was awesome. It really gives the viewer a grasp on what a place like Istanbul may really be like, instead of just seeing it in pictures in a magazine or something. It was definitely a cool experience, especially since even people who travel there probably wouldn't get the same experience since it is such a personal one in most cases. Also, I took a look at your map and thought it was really cool how you decided to do that, I think I need to start exploring this mapping thing a bit more..
