Monday, March 7, 2011

My Drifting Experience

So I went drifting a few weeks ago on my break before this class. I got busy with school work/midterms and forgot to share with you my experience. So here we go...

It was terrifying. I was lost, cold, with snot running down my face and no kleenex to help me out.

Now I don't want to blame my terrible time on the concept of drifting, I take full responsibility for it and I actually want to try drifting again having learned from my errors. My decision to drift was completely on a whim, as it should be, while I was walking the route of my map for class and taking photos. Instead of turning around and going back to the U, I decided too veer across the low level bridge with no destination and no idea how I was going to get back. This was a terrible mistake since it was -25 and I wasn't wearing gloves. I think drifting is definitely a summer time activity, not designed to be enjoyed by those residing in Edmonton winters. So rest assured when the temperature gets at least above zero I'll give it another shot. But instead I wandered along the side of a road I do not know, behind apartments across from the telus field, and up what I learned was Bellamy Hill.

The city and it's roads look really different when you're not driving on them.

Just as I thought the wind blowing in my face would cause it to fall off, and my nose was running so fiercely I was contemplating reaching into my backpack to pull out a piece of paper to blow it, I saw my saviour. The Central LRT station.

I don't think I got all that I could out of my experience since I was mainly focused on how fucking cold I was. But second times a charm I'm sure.

1 comment:

  1. That' is so funny, I wanted to try drifting too, but then I thought "nah, I'll wait for summer." I think that you may have tainted your experience slightly, but it may not be a total loss. There must have been a time (probably right after you decided to drift) that you felt that rush of the unknown, that you felt like you were being lead along by some invisible hand through streets that are familiar, yet at the same time, alien. If you felt anything like this, then I think you may have experienced an important part of drifting. Now, I'm not sure that that is what I will get out of drifting, but it is what I hope to get out of it when I finally decide to try it out myself, once it warms up a little.
